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Broadway Park - aka Downing Vaux Park

City of Newburgh

Orange County

12550, Broadway Park, Downing Vaux Park, Newburgh, NY, views of the river, about Broadway Park, Things to Do at Broadway Park, Read, Relax, Walk around the park, Views of river Broadway Park - aka Downing Vaux Park

Broadway Park, also known as Downing Vaux Park, is located at Broadway and Colden Street, Newburgh, NY 12550 in Orange County. The park is flanked by open space, with views of the river.

From City of Newburgh: "In 2009, while working on the reconstruction of the former West Shore Railroad Station, owner Ray Yannone of Storm King Building Company, Inc. noticed what he thought was a 'deteriorated staircase' on the other side of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. He took a walk, and soon recognized, without knowing the history, that the stairway was an important connection between the waterfront and Broadway. Mr. Yannone took on the restoration of Broadway Park as a personal mission."

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Things To Do at Broadway Park
Walk around the park
Views of river

Location: Newburgh

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